Nice and Clean: The Benefits of Using a Cleaning Service

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Two Tips to Follow if You Plan to Have Your Office Cleaned Whilst It's Being Renovated

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It’s a good idea to continue to have your cleaners hoover, sanitise and dust your office whilst it’s being renovated, as this will ensure that the final clean-up that is carried out after the renovations are finished won’t take days to complete (and thus will not result in you having to wait several extra days to reopen the office). Below you will find two tips that you may want to follow in this situation. Read More»

Reasons to Make the Switch to Green Cleaning For Your Office

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With more people learning about the benefits of switching to an eco-conscious lifestyle, there has come the advent of green cleaning for both residential and commercial spaces. Nonetheless, while a good number of homeowners have made the switch to green cleaning agents, not many commercial property owners are as enthusiastic about this change with the primary reason being it will be an expensive change for their building. However, while the initial cost may seem pricier than industrial strength cleaning agents, the long-term benefits are worth every cent! Read More»